Rerservation Policy On Self Finance and UN AIDED institute
Academic Calendar 23-24
IQAC 23-24 Minutes of Meetings
AQAR 22-23
Policy Document(EEU) 2022-23
Policy Document(ECSDFI) 2022-23
Institutional Assessment And Accreditation Cycle-3
Academic Calendar 22-23
Student Satisfaction Survey 22-23
SSR for Cycle-3
IQAC 22-23 Minutes of Meetings
Program outcomes and Course outcomes
Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilising physical,academic and support facilities
Best Practices 22-23
Institutional Distinctiveness (22-23)
Data for DVV Clarification
Action Taken Report of Feedback Form
4.2.1: Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), subscription to e-resources, amount spent on purchase of books, journals and per day usage of library
3.4.3: Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc., (including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or those organised in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs) during the last five years
5.3.2: Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during last five years (organised by the institution/other institutions)
Undertakes Related NAAC
Self Declaration
Academic Calendar 21-22
IQAC 21-22 Minutes of Meetings
Program outcomes and Course outcomes
Student Satisfaction Survey 21-22
Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilising physical,academic and support facilities
Best Practices 21-22
Institutional Distinctiveness (21-22)
Feedback 21-22
AQAR 20-21
Academic Calendar 20-21
IQAC 20-21 Minutes of Meetings
Program outcomes and Course outcomes
Student Satisfaction Survey 20-21
Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilising physical,academic and support facilities
Best Practices 20-21
Institutional Distinctiveness (20-21)
Feedback 20-21
AQAR 19-20
Academic Calendar 19-20
IQAC 19-20 Minutes of Meetings
Program outcomes and Course outcomes
Student Satisfaction Survey(19-20)
Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilising physical,academic and support facilities
Best Practices 19-20
Institutional Distinctiveness (19-20)
AQAR 18-19
Academic Calendar 18-19
IQAC 18-19 Minutes of Meetings
Program outcomes and Course outcomes
Student Satisfaction Survey(18-19)
Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilising physical,academic and support facilities
Best Practices 18-19
Institutional Distinctiveness (18-19)
AQAR 17-18
Academic Calendar 17-18
IQAC 17-18 Minutes of Meetings
Program outcomes and Course outcomes
Student Satisfaction Survey(17-18)
Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilising physical,academic and support facilities
Best Practices 17-18
Institutional Distinctiveness (17-18)
Naac Peer team Visit for Cycle-2 (2017)
NAAC AQAR 2012-2016 for General College
NAAC AQAR 2016-2017 for General College
SSR Cycle-2 (2017) for General College
NAAC Certificate Cycle-2
NAAC Grade Cycle-2
NAAC Certificate Cycle-1
NAAC Grade Cycle-1